The Winesider 4 people and planet

planted trees
grams of plastic removed
meals offered

Our commitment to
a better future

For every bottle that restaurateurs sell, we contribute a micro-impact.
We want to see our micro-impacts grow over time by making our customers protagonists in this process.


All our partners have the opportunity to choose a micro-impact, from which they feel most represented, from those we have selected:

- increase the number of trees in Madagascar
- donating meals in Guatemala
- removing plastic from the seas in Sri Lanka

The restaurateur can then control, in complete autonomy, how much and how his choice impacts on the environment.

"Technology is best when it meets micro impacts

CEO, Giacomo Miscioscia

Our actions



  1. Green deliveries: in Milan our deliveries are made by electric vehicles
  2. Logistics efficiency: optimising deliveries for less pollution
  3. Reducing impact: TWS sales force travels with hybrid cars

  4. BIO suppliers: many of our selected producers are Bio/Biodynamic

  5. Natureand proximity: we work fundamentally with a product 'of nature' and on the ground

With our customers we also aim to:

  1. increasing the number of trees in Madagascar
  2. donate meals in Guatemala
  3. removing plastic from the seas in Sri Lanka


We believe that everyone in their own small way can make a difference. That's why we decided, as a startup, which wants to grow and improve every day, to try to make improvements in the world.

All small actions create micro-impacts and together we can contribute to a better world.

Our customers are our partners

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